Food Waiver

As you envision and plan your event or meeting, it is essential to remember that our University Dining Services always has the first right of refusal to accept your request. We know that not every request can be accommodated, and therefore, we maintain the Approved Vendor list for Event Planning for the on-campus office and groups only. Outside groups must contact Catering at (804) 484-1440 to plan for beverage and food needs.

To plan an event:

  1. Complete a University Events Reservation Request Form found at
  2. If Dining Services cannot accommodate your request, visit the Approved Vendor list for Event Planning:
  3. For liability reasons, a Food Waiver Application must be submitted for approval before hosting an event using the goods or services of an outside vendor. By submitting a Food Waiver Application, the contact or coordinator agrees on behalf of the group or organization to release the University of Richmond Dining Services from any responsibility or liability for any injury or illness resulting from the consumption of any food or beverage which Campus Dining Services did not prepare, distribute or provide. In addition, the reserving individual/organization or department is responsible for ensuring that all university policies are complied with, including displaying the approved food waiver at the event. 
  4. Waivers must be submitted a minimum of five business days in advance in the Campus Business Services office located on the upper level of the Heilman Business Services Center. This office shares the lobby with the Post Office. Hours are from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm; the fax number is (804) 289-8779. In addition, food waivers and/or questions may be emailed to Angela Moseley Scott at
  5. Menu Source: Name of the restaurant, grocery store, or Sam's/Costco
  6. Delivery Method: Will you pick up, cater, or delivery
  7. Menu: Provide in detail what food you will serve
    1. Potluck: This is for Staff/Faculty Only - detail menu description
  8. Food at Proper Temperature: Explain how you will keep cold and hot foods at proper temperatures.